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St. Barbara's Catholic Church

ST. BARBARA'S CATHOLIC CHURCH MISSION STATEMENT: The faith community of St. Barbara’s parish, in imitation of Our Lady, strives to do the will of God in unity with the Magisterium and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church by nourishing the faithful through the sacraments and fostering growth in the knowledge, love, and service of Our Lord Jesus Christ

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Monday-   7:30 a.m.

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And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."

Matthew 28: 18-20 (RSV-CE)

Family Prayers:

Marriage Prayer:

Almighty and Eternal God,

You blessed the union of married couples so that they might reflect the union of Christ with his Church: look with kindness on them. Renew their marriage covenant, increase our love in them, and strengthen their bond of peace so that, with their children, they may always rejoice in the gift of your blessing. We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN


Prayer for peace in family:

Lord, be with my family. Grant us your peace and harmony, an end to conflict and division. Gift us with compassion to better understand each other, wisdom and love to assist each other, and trust and patience to live together. Grant that through the intercession of your mother, Mary and St. Joseph, our family may become a holy family accepting each other working together in unity, selflessly dedicated to one another and to You, Lord. AMEN


Lord, Jesus, you love each of us individually with a unique and personal love. Touch my life with your saving power, heal and restore me to fullness of life. Help me to give wholly of myself in loving service to others. AMEN

For more married and family resources checkout the following website:



15 Dec, 2023
by Father Patrick Briscoe I often think of John the Baptist at one particularly dramatic moment during Mass. John is the forerunner, the one who gives testimony. “I am not the Messiah,” John says in answer to those asking if he was the long-awaited messiah ( Jn 1:20 ) . John is not the anointed one. He’s the one who points out Christ, who points to Christ. I think of John the Baptist at Mass after the Lamb of God. Holding the consecrated host over the chalice, the priest reveals it to the people and declares, “Behold the Lamb of God” (Jn 1:29) . It’s a declaration. A proclamation. A crying out like the voice in the wilderness: “This is our God!” ‘Look, it’s Jesus’ I recently offered an Advent Mass at a friend’s home. Gathered in the living room, children helped set the altar. I explained the linens, vessels and vestments as we prepared. We sang Advent hymns, including my favorite: “‘Lo He Comes.” During the Mass, a soon-to-be first communicant read the second reading, and her younger brother assisted with the lavabo and purification. They were attentive, reverent and absolutely darling in their service of the sacred liturgy. But the best moment was when I said, “Behold the Lamb of God. …” Turning from the fireplace-altar, holding the host aloft, I saw a host of little faces craning in awe, squirming to get a better view. For this instant, their wiggles were cast off; their eyes locked in at the host. Their parents gently encouraged them, saying, “Look, it’s Jesus.” John the Baptist cries out to us, like parents urging their children, saying “This is the Lord!” But when we gaze upon him, what do we see? Pope Benedict XVI declares, “He has brought God, and now we know his face, now we can call upon him.” He tells us the origin and destiny of our hearts. He gives our lives purpose, opening a new horizon and awakening us to our eternal destiny. Behold the Lamb of God “Behold the one who loves!” we might declare. Because he has loved us, we can follow in his way of love. It is a path, a story, an identity. And yet, when we look up at the host, do we see that? “Behold the one who comes to you!” This is the marvelous thing about a Eucharist procession. I love opening the F orty Hours Devotion with a small procession through the Church. Bowing heads and striking the chest are little ways I see people echoing the Baptist’s words, “I am not worthy to untie his sandals” (Jn 1:27). I am always touched by people’s reverence when they see the host coming to them. “Behold the one who is not withholding!” Can the little host really be enough for us? Yes, yes, yes! Pope Benedict warns, “It is when we attempt to avoid suffering by withdrawing from anything that might involve hurt, when we try to spare ourselves the effort and pain of pursuing truth, love, and goodness, that we drift into a life of emptiness, in which there may be almost no pain, but the dark sensation of meaninglessness and abandonment is all the greater.” Living with Christ does not mean being spared pain. Life without difficulty, life without sorrow, is not the goal. But through all of that, he will not withdraw from us. “Behold the Lamb of God!” Behold the one who we will worship for eternity. We will gather around his throne, joyfully singing his praises. Like new John the Baptists, we will delight in pointing to him, forgetting our unworthiness before him at last. And then, the peace of having met our destiny will wash over us. This article comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.
15 Dec, 2023
by OSV News (OSV News) — It’s no longer as simple as a sleigh ride through the woods to join the whole family at grandma’s for Christmas Day. Nevertheless, many of us make a trek, sometimes several times annually, to celebrate our holidays together. These days, we battle traffic, hectic work schedules, kids’ commitments, crowded airports and icy freeways to get there. Although we love our large gatherings and longtime traditions, leaving home for special occasions demands plenty of planning and desire. Here’s how to pull off a holiday away from home with grace — and only a few frazzled nerves. How to prepare if you’re not hosting Since you’re not the host/hostess, it’s easy to get complacent about preparations — and then run out of time at the end. So start early. You’ll need to shift gears and think about getting ready in a new way. Instead of cleaning the guest bedroom or planning your Christmas centerpiece, begin by prepping the car (or, as the case may be, making the airline reservations). Several weeks ahead of time, get the oil changed. If your area promises snow, put the snow tires on. Install the luggage rack. Find a few new kids’ travel trinkets to hide under your seat. Pack snacks and drinks to avoid extra costs en route. Call your hostess to find out about your share of the cooking, but be careful what dishes you sign up for. Choose foods that travel well. If you’ve a long way to go, perishable items are out. Avoid disasters like sloshing cranberries on your dashboard (and floor mats), leafy salads that freeze in the trunk of the car — and then thaw to a limp green glop — cakes that lose the top layer in transit. Select instead easily transported Christmas breads, holiday bars and cookies, or the makings for a spectacular veggie tray. Or take the ingredients for your famous pecan-cornbread stuffing and assemble it when you arrive. Buy and wrap gifts early, but don’t add bows and ribbons yet. Instead, pack presents snugly into boxes or an extra suitcase for protected travel. Take along bows to add later so they won’t be flattened beyond recognition when you arrive. Strategies for parents If Santa is part of your tradition, the kids will be wondering how St. Nick will find them if they’re gone on Christmas morning. Let them write to him with their away-from-home Christmas address. While you’re at it, tell them about other things to expect, like attending church in a new place and greeting relatives they might not remember who want to give them bear hugs. With all the excitement and buildup, kids are bound to feel hyper. The holidays are joyous — and almost unbearably exciting — for children, and, of course, you want them to have a storybook Christmas they’ll remember forever. But having a great time and running wild are two different things. Let the kids know what behavior you will expect of them as guests. Start talking early, so they have time to listen — several times if necessary. Let them know that grandma (or whoever the host is) will be upset if they fly their new spaceship amid her crystal lamps, or play keep away in the living room. Laughing at Uncle Albert’s warts, using the beds as trampolines, bullying younger cousins and juggling dinner rolls will all cause problems. Try to anticipate potential disasters and let everyone know the limits beforehand. Presents and activities A special note about presents: Be careful what you bring. A toy fire engine with a real screeching siren seems like a fun idea at the store, but in a small house packed with relatives, it will make everyone climb the walls. Likewise, new gliders and footballs are too tempting not to be thrown, at least a few times, through the sitting room filled with gray heads. New paint sets don’t mix with your hostess’ pastel carpeting. Don’t expect kids to be angels . And don’t bring potential problems to the gathering. Plan an afternoon activity for the kids. Make sure they have the opportunity to go to the sledding hill, build a huge snowman or pile in the van for the nearest movie theater. That way they’ll have a chance to burn off some energy and have some long-remembered fun. And they’ll leave behind a little peace and quiet for those who need it. When you’ve done all you can, simply enjoy the holiday. Remember to put your “candle” on a candlestick, not under a bushel, so it will “giveth light unto all that are in the house.” You’ve done your work well (or at least you’ve tried your best), and now you’re ready for a day of fun, family and faith. This article comes to you from Our Sunday Visitor courtesy of your parish or diocese.

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